Pilates Exercise Side Bend Level 1 – by Jacky Fenton a Pilates Instructor in Woking
Purpose: Strength – Core , obliques and upper body Exercise Description Lie on your side and bend your legs to 90º, hips stacked Rest on your elbow Elbow should be directly under shoulder, make...
My Own Personal Pregnancy and Exercise Experience
I have been a Personal Trainer for over 13 years and a Pilates Instructor for four years and have specialised in pre/post-natal training. My own training regime consisted of two spinning sessions, one 5k run, one...
One Leg Stretch Level 2 by Body Torque Pilates in Woking
Purpose: Strength Core and Lumber Spine Set up Position Lying on your back with knees bent and feet flat on floor Knees in line with hips, feet in line with sit bones Arms...
One Leg Stretch Level One by Body Torque Pilates in Woking
Purpose – Strength Core and Lumbar Spine Set up Position Lying on your back with knees bent and feet flat on floor Knees in line with hips, feet in line with sit bones Arms down...
Scissors Level 4 by Body Torque Pilates in Woking
Purpose – Strength Core and Lumber Spine Set up Position Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor Double knee fold legs Palms facing the floor Back of neck...
Pilates for Golf
Whether twisting the body on a drive, squatting down to measure a putt or leaning over to pick up a ball, golfers are constantly torquing their bodies. Golf also requires repeating the same essential movements....