Why is Pilates so Important for Posture?
Hi, my name is Jacky Fenton and I run Body Torque Pilates in Woking in Surrey. Today I would like to explain why Pilates is so important for correcting and maintaining good posture. Firstly, posture means the...
Pilates for Golf
Whether twisting the body on a drive, squatting down to measure a putt or leaning over to pick up a ball, golfers are constantly torquing their bodies. Golf also requires repeating the same essential movements....
Why Men Should do Pilates
As a Pilates instructor I have taught a wide variety of clients as young as 14 and as old as 70 but still women tend to dominate my classes. I do get the occasional man...
Improve Your Posture with Pilates
Have you ever noticed some people walking with their shoulders bent in forward position? Have you ever encountered a thin person, whose potbelly is bulging out for no reason? Did you ever face back pain...
Pilates Essentials – Breathing
Lateral Thoracic breathing is the last point to the set up procedure and is a very important part of Pilates. We do it every day and take it for granted. Breathing helps us to focus...
Pilates Essentials – Your Pelvic Floor
With the core activation comes the pelvic floor and ladies, we know the importance of this muscle don’t we! But gents, did you know that you too have a pelvic floor? The most important function...
Post-natal Pilates – perfect for mummy tummies!
“In 10 sessions, feel the difference; in 20, see the difference, in 30 you’ll have a new body” as claimed by Joseph Pilates, founder of the favored exercise regime of many celebrities including Jennifer Aniston,...
Pilates Essentials – Alignment: Core Activation
The next Pilates Essentials point to consider are your core muscles! These are made up of four abdominal muscles – Transversus Abdominus, Internal and External Obliques and the Rectus Abdominis. The Transversus or “TVA”...
Pilates Essentials – Alignment: The Pelvis Part Two!
We have discussed “neutral spine” in the standing position, now we need to think about the position of the pelvis lying down. Lying on the floor, knees bent and in line with hips, feet flat...
Pilates Essentials – Alignment: The Knees
We have gone through the two alignment points regarding the feet, now we need to make sure that the knees are not locked out otherwise you will be putting undue stress on the joints and...