Shoulder Bridge – Advanced by Body Torque Pilates in Woking
Purpose: Mobility of the spine, stability of the hips, strengthen the glutes, hip flexors and extensors Exercise Description Lying in the set up position with your feet fairly close to your bottom Inhale and curl...
Shoulder Bridge with single leg lift – by Body Torque Pilates in Woking
Purpose: Mobility of the spine, stabilisation of the hips and core strength Exercise Description Lying in the set up position with your feet fairly close to your bottom Inhale and curl out of neutral with...
Shoulder Bridge with arm movement – Body Torque Pilates in Woking
Purpose: Mobility of spine and shoulders and stretching of the chest and rib area Exercise Description Lying in the set up position with your feet fairly close to your bottom Inhale and curl out of neutral with a pelvic tilt and peel bottom and lower back...
Shoulder Bridge L1 by Body-Torque Pilates in Woking
Purpose: Mobility of spine Exercise Description Lying in the set up position with your feet fairly close to your bottom Inhale and curl out of neutral with a pelvic tilt and peel bottom and lower back...
How to get abs by the way you breathe! by Body-torque Pilates in Woking
Christmas is over, time to get back on track with our food and exercise. Lets re-connect with our tummies and ensure we breathe correctly whilst executing Pilates! We really can improve our stomach tone if...
Pelvic Placement: Put Your Pelvis Where It Belongs to Improve Posture and Reduce Pain | Body-Torque Pilates Classes in Woking
It is so important to have correct pelvic placement as this reduces the stress on our joints and muscles. Most of the clients that come through my doors have a “sticky out bum”; as us...
“Why Men should do Pilates” – by Body Torque Pilates in Woking
There is a misconception that Pilates is only for Women. I often hear “isn’t it a bit girlie” or “it’s like Yoga isn’t” it? How wrong could they be? Here are 5 reasons whey Men...
Body Torque Pilates in Woking – Clam/Hip Opener Advanced
Purpose: Aid re-alignment of hip rotators, which can help in sciatic nerve problems Exercise Description On your side resting on your elbow, other arm resting along your body Bring the knees forward, so your...
Pilates Exercise – Hip Opener/Clam L2 with kick by Body Torque Pilates in Woking
Purpose: Aid re-alignment of hip rotators, which can help in sciatic nerve problems Exercise Description Lie on side, hips stacked Support the head with a pillow Bring the knees into the chest, so your heels...