Purpose – Strength Core and Lumber Spine
Set up Position
- Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor
- Double knee fold legs
- Palms facing the floor
- Back of neck lengthened
- Shoulder blades stabilized
- Spine in neutral
- Core stability muscles engaged
Exercise Description
- Inhale to prepare
- Exhale and flex the trunk, ribs to hips
- Extend legs and point toes with hands reaching toward calves and shoulders stabilised
- Inhale, Exhale for 2 counts while pulling one leg towards the body, simultaneously lowering the other leg toward the floor – keeping pelvis stable
- Focus on reaching further on the 2nd count
- You are aiming to switch legs in mid-air on the inhalation
Watch Out Points
- Keep pelvis stable
- Keep chest open
- Avoid loosing neutral spine, back should not peel away from floor