Purpose: Mobility of the spine, stabilisation of the hips and core strength
Exercise Description
- Lying in the set up position with your feet fairly close to your bottom
- Inhale and curl out of neutral with a pelvic tilt and peel bottom and lower back off the floor
- Exhale and peel the spine off the floor until you create a bridge from your knees to your shoulders
- Place your hand on your hips, Inhale at the top, exhale and lift one leg to 90 degrees, inhale lower leg, exhale and repeat on opposite side, inhale and lower leg.
- Exhale and roll the spine back down onto the floor and into neutral spine
- Repeat x 6
Watch Out Points
- Keep knees parallel and hip distance apart
- Keep tension out of the upper body
- Avoid hyper extending spine at top of movement
- Do not go up onto the Cervical Spine
- Keep hips up and level when moving legs
- Keep breathing into rib area
- Make sure you return to neutral before you begin your journey again.
For more information on classes contact Jacky on 07958 442382 or follow my blog for more exercises