Purpose: Mobility of spine and shoulders and stretching of the chest and rib area
Exercise Description
- Lying in the set up position with your feet fairly close to your bottom
- Inhale and curl out of neutral with a pelvic tilt and peel bottom and lower back off the floor
- Exhale and peel the spine off the floor until you create a bridge from your knees to your shoulders
- Inhale at the top, exhale and bring both arms up and over your head
- Inhale, exhale and roll the spine back down onto the floor leaving the arms where they are, but lifting them a little if you feel your ribs are flaring
- Roll back down to neutral spine then bring your arms back over and down to starting position
- Repeat x 6
Watch Out Points
- Keep knees parallel and hip distance apart (put cushion between knees to stop feet rolling out if required)
- Keep tension out of the upper body
- Avoid hyper extending spine at top of movement
- Do not go up onto the Cervical Spine
- Keep shoulder blades stabilised when you move arms
- Do not squeeze glutes
- Make sure knees are almost over the top of the ankles
- Keep breathing into rib area
- Make sure you return to neutral before you begin your journey again.
For more information on classes contact Jacky on 07958 442382 or follow my blog for more exercises