Purpose: Strength – Core and Obliques
Exercise Description
- Lie on your side on the mat with your body in a straight line
- Hips and shoulders stacked, core muscles engaged
- Lateral Thoracic breathing
- Bottom arm long with palm down and supporting head
- Inhale to prepare, exhale and lengthen through the body lifting both legs off the floor
- Inhale, exhale and move the top leg forwards and the underneath leg backwards creating a scissor motion.
- Inhale and switch leg position
- Repeat x 20 before switching sides
Watch- Out Points
- Keep hips stacked and body stable
- Avoid pushing into floor with hand
- Feel your ribs and hips in the floor and try to lengthen away from the floor at the waist
- Do not lose neutral pelvis
- Do not let back arch or ribs flare
- Do not allow top leg to drop below hip level
- Do not allow legs to bend at the knee. The movement comes from the hips
- Keep tension out of upper body