Purpose: To strengthen the back and abdominals
Exercise Description
- Sit up straight with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
- Holding the back of your legs, inhale and create a “C” shape with the base of the spine, Exhale and roll back through the spine as far as possible with heels remaining on the floor and hold this position.
- Release the arms and place by your thighs.
- Inhale, exhale and lift one arm up to your ear from your shoulder keeping your elbows straight.
- Return the arm and repeat with other arm
- Repeat x 10 times
- Hold legs and pull yourself back up. Rest for 20 seconds and repeat exercise.
Watch out Points
- Don’t let the abdominals dome
- Keep the C shape in your spine as you roll back
- Keep the tension out of shoulders and neck
- Avoid rounding shoulders
- Do not allow the heels to come off the floor
- Do not move arm from elbow
For more information on classes contact Jacky on 07958 442382 or follow my blog for more exercises.
Thought this may be of interested : https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/how-pilates-can-help-you-relieve-a-sports-injury_uk_593a5383e4b024026877fbd8?utm_hp_ref=uk-pilates