Purpose:  Aid re-alignment of hip rotators, which can help in sciatic nerve problems


Exercise Description

  1. On your side resting on your elbow, other arm resting along your body
  2. Bring the knees forward, so your heels are in line with your bottom, keeping the soles of the feet stacked and facing back
  3. Keeping the hips stacked, inhale to prepare
  4. Exhale and open the top leg, feeling contraction in the gluteal area
  5. Inhale and lower top leg
  6. Perform 16 reps, then repeat other side
  7. Keep the hips stacked throughout

Watch Out Points

  1. Do not let feet come apart
  2. Keep stability in pelvis, do not allow hips or knees to roll back
  3. Keep core engaged and shoulders stabilised
  4. Do not use the other hand to stabilise body

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