Purpose: Strength Core, Lumbar Spine and hip mobility
Set up Position
- Lying on your back with knees bent and feet flat on floor
- Knees in line with hips, feet in line with sit bones
- Arms down by the side of the body, palms facing the floor
- Back of neck lengthened
- Shoulder blades stabilized
- Spine in neutral
- Core stability muscles engaged (30%)
- Adopt Lateral Thoracic breathing
Exercise Description
- Inhale to prepare
- Exhale and initiate the move from the hip and float the foot of one leg off the floor to bring the knee to rest directly above the hip, then extend leg to the ceiling
- Inhale and start to circle the leg in a clockwise direction imagining you are drawing a circle on the ceiling with your toes.
- Keep the opposite knee stable.
- Repeat x 5 in a clockwise direction then repeat in anti-clockwise direction
- Switch legs and repeat
Watch Out Points
- Keep tension out of upper body
- Avoid loosing neutral spine, back should not peel away from floor.
- Ensure opposite knee remains stable
- Keep pressure out of supporting foot